DreamSpin Podcast - Episode 3

Podcast Episode 3: How New Studios Can Stand-Up

The DreamSpin journey continues to be documented through The Journey articles in association with CasinoBeats and Affiliate Leaders and a podcast hosted on the SBC YouTube Channel.

After two episodes where DreamSpin founders Josh Green, William Barnes and Jamie Rosen discussed how and why they decided to launch the studio, it’s time to hear from a guest.

Henry McLean, co-founder of 4ThePlayer, joins Josh and Will in today’s episode, discussing what it means to be a new studio entering this market, and how new studios in particular can stand out.

Listeners can hear more about the history of 4ThePlayer and how a new studio operates within this industry; specifically how to manage creativity, build relationships and maintain transparency.

This group will also be discussing how to listen to players and take feedback on board, and how to separate feedback from myth – particularly with streaming in mind.

You can watch the episode below or directly on YouTube.

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